Pioneer Unveils New CDJ-Zero: A Free CDJ, Pay Only For The Music You Play!

Pioneer has today unveiled the CDJ-Zero, a groundbreaking DJ deck set to totally change the face of the turntable market forever.
As teased earlier this week, the new Pioneer CDJ-Zero units have dropped with a revolutionary new payment system and a range of brand new features. For the first time in Pioneer’s history, they will be supplying the turntable to the end user free of charge (Hence the name, CDJ-Zero) and will instead make their money selling the music for the unit, which must be downloaded directly from within the unit itself. Music purchased elsewhere will not be compatible with the player, and users will need to repurchase their existing music libraries directly from Pioneer if they want to play it on the CDJ-Zero.
Pioneer’s Head of Marketing, Michael Hunt, commented that Pioneer are simply moving with the times and have taken the CDJ-Zero along the route of the very successful business model Amazon created with their Kindle, whereby the user downloads the content directly from within the unit exclusively from Amazon.
While the new players are seemingly chockfull of new ideas and groundbreaking improvements the major new features on the CDJ-Zero that we’re most interested in and that warrant a bit of discussion include:
-The unit is 100% free to successful applicants, depending on availability. A credit card must be supplied for purchase downloads.
-Download music directly from within the player. Other downloads and past purchases will be incompatible with the CDJ-Zero and will actually lock the unit if downloaded on it it. An unlock code will then have to be purchased directly from Pioneer.
-Burst Sync Mode. This feature sees the evolvement of the SYNC button, whereby the user can SYNC and then mix the next 6 tracks with the touch of one button, leaving the DJ free to dance on stage, crowdsurf, or chat to girls.
-Solar Powered Battery Function. Again to save on costs with the CDJ-Zero, Pioneer have left out the addition of a traditional battery or power supply, instead opting for a greener-option in the form of a solar powered energy pack. This also means the unit costs zero to run, however users may experience problems playing the unit in darkened rooms or at night time.
-Remote Recording. Every set played on the CDJ-Zero will be remotely recorded and uploaded directly into Pioneers new music store, whereby users can then purchase their own mixes to share them with friends.
Obviously the first thing on most of our minds: how can they really afford to give it away for free? Michael Hunt commented “There are plenty of other revenue sources for us with the CDJ-Zero. Sure, the unit may be free but we have plenty of ways to get our money back and have a pretty much guaranteed income from each DJ that uses it. The CDJ-Zero also boasts a game changing in-built advertising feature whereby a 30 second advertisement plays during every DJ’s set, roughly around every 20 minutes or so and in between songs so it doesn’t spoil the vibe in the room. Advertising is big business and so this felt like a natural step for the CDJ-Zero”
What are your thoughts on this new unit from Pioneer? Will you be getting a set? Let us know in the comments below…
“Other downloads and past purchases will be incompatible with the CDJ-Zero and will actually lock the unit if downloaded on it it. An unlock code will then have to be purchased directly from Pioneer.”
This is a website that features headlines such as “Whistleblower Edward Snowden Admits To Being Dubstep Legend Burial” and “Impotent Man Said To Be “Delighted” With Miley Cyrus’s Sexual Awakening”. This should give you a clue as to how realistic this site’s stories are.
ads? sorry don’t want that shit playing during my set. Other wise they’d be great.
This has got to be a joke, unless Pioneer’s Head of Marketing is really called Mike Hunt? hahaha!
Remote Recording. Every set played on the CDJ-Zero will be remotely recorded and uploaded directly into Pioneers new music store, whereby users can then purchase their own mixes to share them with friends.
having to pay for your own hard work? go and fuck yourself pioneer
Seriously, you can’t work out that this is a joke website? Unless Edward Snowden really is Dubstep DJ ‘Burial’…?
downloading tracks straight from the player sounds like a great idea.
Best innovation for crowd pleasers!
“Burst Sync Mode. This feature sees the evolvement of the SYNC button, whereby the user can SYNC and then mix the next 6 tracks with the touch of one button, leaving the DJ free to dance on stage, crowdsurf, or chat to girls.”
I JUST DIED. I can’t even……This is the stupidest invention from Pioneer that I have ever seen in my life. GET OUT.
I cant believe you idiots actually think these are real if your brains was made of chocolate you couldn’t fill a smartie 🙂
Well done, Wunderground. 10/10, that’s how its done.
This seemed like I really good idea….until they added the advertisement functiion. That literally sunk the boat. This is a great idea shot in the face and raped by an awful marketing department. Who in the nine hells thought ANY dj wants to SPAM their audience every 20 minutes? High end equipment for free? sure Got to pay for my own music? Sure as long as it isn’t as expensive as iTunes. WAIT…. ITS SOLAR POWERED? DID WE LEARN ANYTHING FROM THE LAST 30 YEARS? ok….ok it can’t be that bad it is free after a- IT SPAMS MY AUDIENCE EVERY 20 MINUTES WITH MCDONALDS SNACK WRAP PROMOS!?
This is hilarious, but not nearly as funny as all the people replying to it in rage, thinking it’s real.
Also, side note, but Chris Fraser – is that really a Marathon Infinity symbol by your name? Awesome!
clearly fake as hell…
Clearly not aware what wunderground is.
fukin genius i’l take 6 hahaha 😀
I know this is totally fake and all. But it sickens me to know some people actually think its a good idea. How stupid can you be? A lot of top DJ/Producers share unreleased music with one another all the time. This device would make that tradition obsolete. and further more.. only lame fucks use a sync button. come the fuck on already lol <3
This is Fake!
Did you forget what website you were on?
“Solar Powered Battery Function”… haha this one really made me laugh !
Love this! I recently purchased a CDJ-Zero and it has absolutely changed my DJ/Party face. It now has much lesser look of panic and I found that I was sweating profusely because I was afraid to screw up a mix and not because of the heat in the venues. I now can maintain a cool look all the time with the help of the SYNC Shift as I have no fear and don’t have to bring a spare shirt.
I’ve only been able to use it successfully for out door terrace parties in bars and clubs and daytime boat parties because of the solar power but because I live in England, it often gets cloudy and the unit will go into battery back up mode which only lasts about 20 minutes. This backup battery life can be extended up to 45 minutes if you rinse the advertisement mode. When the advertisements are playing, the bass is automatically cut so the battery lasts longer as the unit isn’t going in hard. Perfect for Techno and Dubstep gigs as the crowd go mental when the bass comes back in! Something I’ve only just recently learnt because of the CDJ-Zero and I’ve been DJ-ing for 15 years! but thanks to the CDJ-Zero, I don’t ever have to use DJ intuition, or even ever have to read the crowd.
Unfortunately I’ve been unemployed for a while and haven’t been able to purchase many tunes or my whole song library directly onto the CDJ-Zero so my weekly sets at various clubs have been more or less the same but the SYNC-Shift also has a track randomizer meaning I can “mix it up” a little. The club owners and the girls don’t appear to have noticed yet but thats maybe because I’m free to not be behind the decks and can chat so much breeze to them they aren’t dancing or paying attention to the music.
One girls boyfriend did notice that about 3 tracks mixed themselves and came over to tell me his discovery and tried to embarrass me in front of his girlfriend however, I put him in his place and told him “Listen, I’m a DJ! Who are you? You’re nobody!” He then tried to lamp me however I swiftly retreated to the safety of the DJ booth and had security escort him out. I blew a kiss at his girlfriend and I could tell she was well wet after the incident.
Good news is Pioneer are bringing out a Zero-Hour watch. It does conventional watch things, like has a built in MP3 player, but it also can bluetooth sync to your CDJ-Zero and silently warn you, by vibrating, when its time for you to get back behind the decks and pretend to mix in the next tune. It also has on screen suggestions of professional DJ things to try, like:
– Hold 1 headphone up against you ear with hand
– Put headphones around neck and hold 1 headphone between ear and shoulder
– Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care
– Shout “Make some F**KIN’! NOISE!”
and many more.
Overall, a brilliant device and I’ll never look back, best thing about it… IT’S FREE!
Super gay.
it costs nothing because it’s worth nothing …
Yes because this is exactly what the industry needs…. As if there isn’t enough ways of putting REAL djs out of work these days, you’re coming up with yet another STUPID scheme so that anyone can get hold of equipment and walk into a bar and say “i’m a dj”
LOL. And adverts? Seriously? Sorry but if anyone is advertising during my sets, it’s me…. not pioneer or heinz because you’ve secured a deal with them to advertise beans over the top of my music!
Fake or not…. this is just another example of people pushing to put real talented people who have worked really hard to secure their status as a professional dj out of work and angers me.
Perhaps Bupa will invent a Heart replacement machine and bin off surgeons? No. Just No.
Worst idea and invention ever. Get this nonsense off my screen!
Bro Stop!
I can’t believe people are taking this seriously, have they even looked at this website
Haha love the fact people think this is real. have you not seen some of these stories, they’re top draw. Someone needs to throw a lamp at your head so you lot can lighten up and have a laugh!
Oh man, it just kills me to see people take a satire site serious. Too freakin’ hilarious.
I wasn’t completely sure if it was a joke…until I read the “Head of Marketing” guy’s name….Good old Mike…I’m pretty sure I wen’t to high school with him!